Reports Report 5332j (Event 5332-2017)

Name Kristi D
Experience Level 1/5
Remarks I am a 38 year old attorney. I am logical and analytical. I have never, ever seen anything like this before. I have seen shooting stars very high up in the sky before -- very high. This was very, very different than that. I was driving. It was dark. I was coming down out of a mountain road to a more flat area and I saw it low in the sky above me. I feel like it was low enough that it should have landed somewhere nearby. It was such an unexpected and awe inspiring thing to see that I notice that my mouth was gaping open. It took me a few minutes to regain my composure and once I did, I immediately called my husband and my parents to exclaim to them what I saw. I feel like I could see the shape of the dark object because of the way the light surrounded the back of it as it streaked by me. It was not perfectly round and I would not describe it as enormous, but, I cannot be certain because it is hard to say for sure how high it was. Again, though, I feel like it was low enough to have landed nearby. Hands down the most awe inspiring thing I have ever seen -- ever. I have tried to imagine what else the object could have been and can think of nothing other than a meteor. I searched the local news station website to see if there was a report of anyone else spotting it. I have not found such a report.
Address Ware, MA
Latitude 42° 15' 58.94'' N (42.266372°)
Longitude 72° 13' 8.13'' W (-72.218924°)
Elevation 158.95m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2017-12-19 17:17 EST
UT Date & Time 2017-12-19 22:17 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From up left to down right
Descent Angle 107°
Facing azimuth 225.72°
First azimuth 286.91°
First elevation 19°
Last azimuth 164.78°
Last elevation 13°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -10
Color Orange, Yellow, Light Yellow, White
Concurrent Sound
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Delayed Sound
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Persistent train
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Terminal flash
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